What is a Facelift?
Understanding the range of techniques and procedures is the first step toward realizing how you may be able to restore a greater sense of vitality to your face. Designing a plan with Dr. Ridgway gives you the information you need to decide which options are going to create the effect you want. Our goal is to help you look like a more polished, youthful, yet expressive version of yourself.
Dr. Ridgway will look at your individual characteristics - your hairline, cheek bone structure, jaw line and skin—to develop an approach tailored to your anatomy and goals, giving you a realistic picture of what is possible.
As a result, we may be able to help you decrease visible signs of aging in the face and neck, including:
- Sagging in the middle of your face
- Deep creases below your lower eyelids
- Deep creases along your nose that may extend to the corner of your mouth
- Fat that has fallen or has disappeared
- Loss of skin tone in your lower face, creating the appearance of jowls
- Loose skin and excess fatty deposits under your chin and jaw can give the appearance of a double chin
What is a Neck Lift?
Based on your goals, a neck lift may be an option for you to disFor some men, a neck-lift may work to address visible signs of aging in the jawline and neck such as excess wrinkling of the neck skin, a double chin and jowl lines. Based on your needs, Dr. Ridgway may recommend a neck-lift be performed as part of a facelift to create a more harmonious appearance across your features.
Based upon what you want to achieve, Dr. Ridgway will develop a surgical plan that may involve liposuction and or skin incisions to address excess fat, skin relaxation in the lower face that creates jowls, excess fullness under the chin, loose neck skin and bands in the neck.
In general, good candidates for a facelift or neck lift include:
- Healthy individuals who do not have medical conditions that impair healing
- Non-smokers
- Individuals who are not required to take aspirin or blood thinning agents such as coumadin or plavix
- Individuals with a positive outlook and realistic expectations
Based upon what you want to achieve, we may recommend performing other procedures with a face and neck lift, including a brow lift, fat grafting or eyelid surgery, creating consistent results across the face you want to present to the world.
“We craft tailored refinements that sharpen and define your features in ways that fit your lifestyle and personality. We make sure the essence of you still shines through.”
Facelift: 2-6 hoursNeck Lift: 2-3 hours
Facelift: return to work in 2-3 weeksNeck Lift: 2-4 weeks
Facelift: 10-15 yearsNeck Lift: 10+ years