What is Renuvion?
Renuvion is the only device that is FDA-cleared for use after liposuction, and is the only device that is FDA cleared for contraction of subcutaneous tissue. As a skin tightening treatment, Renuvion directly treats the connective tissues that hold your skin to the underlying muscles. The small tube at the head of the device is inserted below the skin to allow greater access to the connective tissues. The treatment device emits a controlled heat through helium gas and radiofrequency energy that combine to form a stream of energy, or plasma, that causes the connective tissues to contract. The excess helium gas helps to keep the surrounding area cool so that your skin is protected from any damage. As the connective tissues tighten, your skin is pulled in closer to the underlying muscles, for a dramatically more youthful look.
Renuvion can be used in many areas, but the most common areas include:
Submental (cheeks, chin and neck)
Hips and buttocks
Abdomen and waist
Upper arms
Inner knee
Chest area
Calves and ankle
Is it right for me?
If you are bothered by skin laxity and/or excess fat deposits - and you are at a stable weight, Renuvion might be a great option for you. An initial consultation with Dr. Ridgway will help you understand how Renuvion with or without liposuction,, may be able to address the areas of your body you are concerned about.
Ideal candidates for liposuction are:
Healthy individuals who do not have a life-threatening illness or medical conditions that can impair healing
Individuals with a positive outlook and specific goals in mind for body contouring
Renuvion and Liposuction is not a treatment for obesity or a substitute for proper diet and exercise.
“This is about the vision you have for your body – it’s about creating your choice for how you want to appear.”
1-4 hours (depending on extent of procedure)ANESTHESIA
General or Local anesthesiaIN/OUT PATIENT
In-office or outpatientRECOVERY
Back at work in 5-7 daysResume light exercise at 2 weeks
Resume strenuous activity at 6 weeks
8-12 weeks for swelling to resolve